The Committee has the responsibility to examine scientific, technical, ethical, legal and social issues in the area of stem cell or their derivatives based research and therapy.
The Committee shall maintain a register of all institutions involved in any type of stem cell research and therapy including details of their IC-SCR.
The Committee shall review annual reports of all IC-SCRs for compliance with national guidelines and ethical practices.
NAC-SCRT shall approve, monitor and oversee research in the restricted areas of stem cell research.
NAC-SCRT shall review and update the national guidelines for stem cell research and therapy periodically, considering scientific developments at the national or international levels.
NAC-SCRT in collaboration with the CDSCO will set up standards for safety and quality, quality control, procedures for collection and its schedule, processing or preparation, expansion, differentiation, preservation for storage, removal from storage to assure quality of human stem cells or their derivatives.
The Committee shall respond to queries/representations from all the stakeholders in the community (investigators, industry, R&D Institutions, entrepreneurs, media, patient groups, government agencies etc.).
Respond to controversial issues raised/received from NGOs, patients, individuals etc., and those queries diverted to NAC-SCRT by other agencies (ICMR, DBT, DST, MCI, DCGI etc.).
The Committee shall monitor any unethical practices related to stem cell research and/or therapy being followed at any organization or by any individual and bring them to the notice of relevant authorities.